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Guide To True Weight and Fat Loss

Aren’t you tired of losing and gaining the same 10 IBs?

Aren’t you tired of your friends telling you their diet will work for you, and it doesn’t?

Aren’t you tired of trying diets that you can’t stick too?

Aren’t you tired of diet pills that cause crazy side effects?

Aren’t you tired of exercising until you have knee pain, back pain and brain pain just to see no results?

How would you like to be a much healthier wait, without starving?

How would you like to get the complements that you give out routinely?

We have developed a high in protocol to for your success with Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Telehealth and Holistic Wellness. Weight management is one the most often requested wellness goals, but its also the most often miss understood. Weight management can be affected by my conditions in our bodies and many habits in our lifestyle.

Our providers have help 100s of people reach and maintain their weight management goals. If you are ready to make a lasting change, this is the program for you. Dr. Cooper will perform a thorough analysis to identify factors that may be helping you and factors that are complicating your journey. Dr. Cooper will then create an in-depth action plan to maximize your results.  Weight Management and Fat Loss is most successful when tailored to the individual. Dr. Cooper creates comprehensive plans to help you meet and maintain your target.

A common mistake that we see is calorie deficit that leads to muscle loss
One pound of muscle weighs exactly like one pound of fat. Yet they look entirely different. One pound of muscle is harder and denser than a pound of body fat. If you gain 6 pounds of muscle and drop six pounds of body fat, your scale weight will be absolutely the same. But you’ll definitely be dumbfounded by how much your body changed.
Muscle loss often happens if you focus solely on calorie decrease. Of course, reducing your calorie intake is a basic requirement for weight loss, but it shouldn’t be your only goal, or you risk losing your muscle mass.

If you’re fixing your attention on your diet or upping your cardio in order to burn fat, that focus probably comes at the expense of strength training. It this case, you’re most likely to lose tissue weight. That’s because calorie restriction often implies macronutrient restriction. Without enough protein in your diet, your body can’t rebuild the tissue even if you are strength training.

Also, the amount of muscles directly impacts your metabolism. Less muscle causes lower BMR which means a lower calorie burn throughout your day.

Muscle tissue also regulates your insulin sensitivity, which is a biological process that determines how well your body absorbs nutrients. If you lose muscle tissue due to incorrect dieting, the nutrients you eat are less likely to be partitioned to your muscle cells and more likely to be turned into fat cells

A Good Weight management program should meet the following benefits:

•behavioral treatment, also called lifestyle counseling, that can teach you how to develop and stick with healthier eating and physical activity habits—for example, keeping food and activity records or journals

•information about getting enough sleep, managing stress, and the benefits and drawbacks of weight-loss medicines

•ongoing feedback, monitoring, and support throughout the program, either in person, by phone, online, or through a combination of these approaches

•slow and steady weight-loss goals—usually 1 to 2 pounds per week (though weight loss may be faster at the start of a program)

•a plan for keeping the weight off, including goal setting, self-checks such as keeping a food journal, and counseling support

The most successful weight-loss programs provide 14 sessions or more of behavioral treatment over at least 6 months—and are led by trained staff.

Important Factors of weight loss that are overlook:

Your body composition and weight is made of around 70% Water

Exercise is excellent for cardiac health but not exclusive for weight loss

Hormone health has a large effect on weight loss and metabolism

Not all carbs and macros have the same effect on the body

Obesity is not primarily genetic, however generational habits are

Slow loss is good loss

Skin doesn’t equal healthy

Many of the Holistic Weight Management decision also lead to longevity

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 11:00 am





9:00 am - 6:00 pm
2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 11:00 am

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