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Arthritis Be Gone!

“Hey Dr. Cooper, my mother had knee pain, so this is why I have pain”.

“Yes Doc, my uncle had shoulder arthritis, so I’m sure I’ll be next”.

Friends, these are all statements of learned hopelessness.

I’m Dr. Cooper and what if I tell you that your families’ arthritis does not have to be your arthritis?

What if I told you that your pain doesn’t have to be genetic?

I have a question for you. What’s easier to catch, genetics or habits?

You may not know this, but even the most dominant genes have to be turned on.

Geez, that sounds so simple, how could it be true?

I have treated 1000s of patients between the ages of 4 weeks and 98 years old. I’ve seen people with fully functioning spines as well as those without. I’ve seen patients born with vulnerable spines and those who have developed them.

Only about 10 percent of arthritis is genetic. Yet arthritis related conditions are the leading cause of disability in the United States.

I am here to tell you that there are things that you can do right now to decrease your risk and your pain.

Arthritis is defined as painful, inflammation and/or stiffness in joints. The most common type of Arthritis identified is called Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is most frequency associated with wear and tear of cartilage over time. So, for the sake of this discussion we will be referring to this form moving forward.  

Arthritis is typically identified by symptoms; however, it can develop for years before major symptoms are experienced. As a spine specialist I have uncovered many arthritises on Xray. What’s more surprising is that there is not always a correlation to the severity of arthritis and the patient’s pain. Sometimes the patient doesn’t even notice discomfort in the involved area.

Meaning arthritis does not have to equal pain. But it does indicate poor functioning.
Here’s an example.

I drive my car 3,000 miles over my recommended oil service/change. I may get an indication light or notice my engine is making unusual sounds and emitted a smokey odor. My car has not completely stopped working yet but the damage in eminent. And to make matters worse sometimes that damage is irreversible.

This is what arthritis is like, you may get subtle signs that you are not functioning optimally in a joint, muscle or limb.

These signs may be:
•Feeling Instable
•Inability to do normal tasks
•The need to compensate
•Being Easily injured
•Wear out other joints easily
•Decreasing mobility

Sounds like a car, right? That’s because your body is the most important vehicle you will ever take care of.

So how can we avoid this?

The number one thing you can do to avoid or slow down this kind arthritis is to live a life of optimal functioning. This includes:

•Exercising and stretching
•Managing healthy weight
•Maintain a diet of Anti-inflammatory foods
•Avoiding toxins
•Controlling disease and conditions
•Preventing Injury
•Getting routine maintenance care

There are supplemental things that we can do to avoid or delay the onset of Osteoarthritis.
Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil
Omega 3 fish oil helps our body balance its Anti Inflammatory Vs. Pro Inflammatory process. Most people under the standard American diet lack the require Omega 3s to find balance in this process. Kim Larson, RD, a dietitian in Seattle suggests eating fish and seafood two to three times a week. “Good nutrition through food is the best avenue to health with RA,” she says. If fish isn’t on your menu, try fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in these supplements have some of the same effects as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. But they aren’t as hard on your stomach.

Proteolytic Supplements
Proteolytic enzymes help to break down the proteins in our food and have been recommended for decades to aid in Joint pain and inflammation. Additionally, these enzymes may be found in certain founds. Most notably Pineapples (Bromelain).

Turmeric (Curcumin) Supplements
Contains the chemical curcumin, which may fight joint inflammation. Like fish oil, turmeric can act as a blood thinner if you take high doses of it, so be careful if you’re taking warfarin or other blood thinner meds.

Glucosamine Supplements
Glucosamine (Especially Chondroitin) is recommended for Arthritis. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring amino sugar that stimulates new collagen growth. Most people find relief from taking the supplement form 3 times per day 500mg each. This supplement is not recommended to those with Heart Disease and Hypertension.

Bone Broth
Guess what’s in Bone Both? Glucosamine is in Bone Broth and may be a great option for a couple days per week remedy. And oh yea, enjoy the taste!

If this is you and you have been looking for natural solutions with little success. Or maybe you don’t have pain, but you know your functioning is poor. Reach out to us and we would love to help!

There is plenty we can do to correctly Assess, Diagnose and Treat the root cause of the problem. At N. Harmony Wellness Virtual Clinic, we are fully dedicated to providing holistic solutions to address your unique needs. We are determined to provide more access to comprehensive care with our virtual clinic.

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